CA 2-Channel Professional Power Amplifier Series

◎ CA系列功放将大功率机的声音表现提高到了一个全新的高度.用料与制作 绝无妥协,且应用了如三高电路,电流前馈H类,阶跃保护等多项独有设计. 强大 的功率和输出电流令高级音箱的表现更上一层楼.
◎ 采用特选元件,并留有足够余量.
◎ 三高电路设计(高效率,高速度,高电流输出)
◎ 应用了电流前馈,等距滞回技术的三级H类设计.
◎ 内置高性能低通滤波器且转折频率连续可调,完善 且可靠的保护功能.
◎ 高效率电路结合加长的散热铝和大流量风扇使TX系列功放能够轻松面对各 种恶劣环境.

◎ CA series raises the power amplifier sound to a new level. Excellent component and is highly efficient, high speed, a high power output circuit, current feed forward, class H and so on. High power output for better speaker performance.
◎ Excellent component and high power toroidal transformer.
◎ Three high circuit design (high efficiency, high speed, high current output).
◎ Use current feed forward ,isometric hysteresis technical 3 step class H.
◎ Highly efficient circuit with internal heatsinks and high flow fans that TX series can easy to face harsh environment.
◎ TA series has built-in high-performance low-pass filter cutoff frequency with adjustable, provide extensive protection features.

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 型号 MODEL CA3 CA5 CA7 CA8 CA20 CA32
桥接单声道输出 Bridged mono output4Ω 1000W 1200W 2200W 2600W 4800W 6400W
桥接单声道输出 Bridged mono output8Ω 750W 900W 1650W 1950W 3600W 4800W
立体声输出功率 Stereo output power 4Ω 2X375W 2X450W 2X825W 2X975W 2X1800W 2X2400W
立体声输出功率 Stereo output power 8Ω 2X250W 2X300W 2X550W 2X650W 2X1200W 2X1600W
频率响应 Frequency Response 20Hz-20KHz±0.3dB
总谐波失真 THD <0.05% 8Ω 1kHz
信噪比 S/N Ratio >98dB
瞬态响应 Slew Rate 30~45V/uS
阻尼系数 8Ω Damping coefficient >300
通道间串音 Crosstalk between channels >100dB@8Ω 1KHz
输入阻抗 Input impedance 20kΩ(Balance)/10KΩ(Unbalance)
输入灵敏度 Input Sensitivity 0.755V/1.0/1.4(mv/8Ω)
高度 Height 2U 3U